Welcome to PY Academy!

A Gateway to Programming for Y‘all

Learn more about our coming courses.
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Why PY?

Technology is everywhere and the key to a bright future. However, taking the first steps into the world of programming can be challenging. We believe that everyone has the potential to become a proficient coder. In PY academy, our goal is to guide learners through their initial journey in programming, providing them with a solid foundation in programming concepts and problem-solving techniques. We focus primarily on introductory programming courses, where we introduce learners to fundamental programming concepts through a structured curriculum, hands-on experience and collaborative projects.

PY serves as your gateway to the world of programming. Through an in-person introductory programming tutoring, you will discover your passion for coding, enabling you to dive into the programming world. Unlike online courses, the in-person instruction through PY will offer you real-time discussions, immediate feedback, and interactive discussions with peers and tutors. All of which will lead to a more engaging and effective learning experience that will enhance your coding and problem-solving skills.

    Learn more about our coming courses.
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    PY’s Mission

    PY is an in-person coding academy that teaches introductory programming courses. PY offers in-person courses using a structured curriculum, empowering individuals to realize their potential in the world of programming.

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      PY’s Vision

      We strive to make PY a gateway for all learners to discover the joy of coding. We seek to build encouraging programming platforms that make programming accessible to everyone. Using research-based advancements in Education Technology, we envision a programming academy that can offer personalized programming instruction based on the learners’ needs, unlocking doors to new opportunities for learners in the world of technology.

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